Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

F. Noize @ Toxic Sickness Radio

Hardcore   Terror

Toegevoegd door: Madredchris @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 00:54:54

Meer info

Gestemd door: PeterPan melvin053 Quatto F.Noize Olla Jeroen- HardT3K-Tic iimar Sarge Saba1980 popcore Pyd originalgabber MarcoTechnofolle Hansolo [deleted user] massdna
Favoriet van: Olla

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Biorekk - Get Up On This
2. Deterrent Man - You Comprendes (1)
3. Biorekk - Feel My Pain
4. F. Noize - Lord Of The Underground
5. Stampede - Necronomicon
6. The Punisher - Never Again
7. Repix - Started This Shit
8. Rob da Rhythm & Joey Riot - Godzillaz Cummin
9. VTX - Paraponzipò (F. Noize Remix)
10. DJ Apathy - Vollmongole
11. Drokz - Brag And Boast
12. System Overload - Geef Maar Gas
13. Partyraiser & Darkcontroller - Speakah Killers
14. The Endless Souls - Not Gonna Get Us
15. Thunder - Alive
16. Partyraiser & F. Noize - La Bomba
17. F. Noize ft. Glenx - Superman (System Overload Remix)
18. The Braindrillerz vs Subversion - Crack Them Pussy (F. Noize Remix)
19. UKTM vs. F. Noize - Ryukore

JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
01. Biorekk - Get Upon This
02. ID
03. Biorekk - Feel My Pain
04. F. Noize - Lord Of The Undergound
05. Stampede - Necronomicon
06. ID
07. ID
08. Rob Da Rhythm & Joey Riot - Godzillaz Cumin
09. VTX - Paraponzipò (F. Noize Remix)
10. Dave Dope - Rastacore
11. ID
12. DJ J.D.A. ‎- Voel Je Die Bass (System Overload Remix)
13. ID
14. Dark Pointer - Not Gonna Get Us
15. Thunder - Alive
16. Partyraiser & F. Noize - La Bomba
17. F. Noize ft. Glenx - Superman (System Overload Remix)
18. F. Noize - ID
19. ID
Olla -
07. Repix - Started this shit
Olla -
10. Is Not: Dave Dope - Rastacore
11. Drokz - Bang And Boast
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
On 20-06-2014 18:01:16, Olla wrote:

10. Is Not: Dave Dope - Rastacore
11. Drokz - Brag And Boast

My fault..

10. DJ Apathy - Vollmongole
Jax21 -
someone knows the last track aswell?
F.Noize -
F Noize No Choice!!!
uktm vs F. Noize - RyuKore
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
06. The Punisher - Never Again
walbier -
13. Partyraiser & Darkcontroller - Speakah Killers
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
18. The Braindrillerz vs Subversion - Crack Them Pussy (F. Noize remix)