Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Casketkrusher @ Gabber.FM 100% Early Hardcore #023

Early Hardcore   Early Terror
Gestemd door: DJ_Casketkrusher hardcorerepublic alexvdh AEON

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Master Hit - Evil Demons
2. Car & Driver - Passiv
3. C-Tank - Biolunch
4. Lords Of Illusion - This DJ
5. Technohead - Headsex (Search & Destroy Mix)
6. Delta 9 - No More Regrets
7. Fear Factory - Manic Cure (Remixed by DJ Dano & Liza 'n' Eliaz)
8. Ingler - Riot
9. DJ Dano & Liza 'N' Eliaz - Energy boost
10. DJ Dano & Z'EV - Big Time Nose
11. DJ Rob & Tim B. - Loud & Proud!
12. Tiny Tot - La Bambolina (Placid K. Remix)
13. DJ Buzz Fuzz - Frequencies (Pino D'Ambini Tough Mix)
14. Turbolenza - I Am The Creator (Future Mix)
15. Scarface - Hear it Twice!
16. DJ Ruffneck & Mickey B. - Doodlesex
17. Evil Maniax - Psychopath
18. Hard Trance - Rubberd Uck!
19. Apocalyptic Heroes - Hardcore Divine