Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Enigmato @ Nemesis Club *Hard Beat Carnival*


Toegevoegd door: hiryu @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: VBR MP3
Lengte: 01:30:50
Gestemd door: Opperhoofd donkeyass Kremer JDR NDAL hawker FLex3


Event poster >>

I have made tracklist but it's only a beta ;)

Enigmato @ Nemesis Club (Bedzin) 1 February 2008

1.Intro ID
2.Showtek - Raver
4.some JS
5.Showtek - Early soundz
6.ID dark bells
7.Wild futher mucker
8.Forgot the name :D
9.Donkey Rollers - Can't stop us
10.Alpha Twins - The Darkside (QLiMAX 2006 Anthem)
11.JDX - Kick It In Ur Face my house ID
13.Enigmato - Hardstyle doll
14.Blademasterz - One blade
15.Some enigmato track
16.Acti - Pass the grass
17.make more noise ID
19.Southstylers - Pounding Senses (Deeper Inside Remix)

Opperhoofd -
donkeyass -
hawker -
Een venter.
On 04-02-2008 20:57:12, Opperhoofd wrote:


Yeah Opperhoofd -  :X

I'm Polish, but I dislike every Polish "hardstyle" DJ...

Our DJ's haven't created a single good HS vinyl...
hiryu -
Hawker check new Two-S trackz - especially The Power (don't ask me how get it coz it's has been rlsd yet) - they present professional level of soundz.
Also Skydriver create good trackz - I know they aren't as good as Headhunterz for example but they have good melos not like enigmato trackz  ;)

Nie wiem czemu po angielsku odpisałem  xD
FLex3 -
Hmm.. 50/50  :-/  :X  :thumbsdown: