Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

MelHardest @ Tribute To Drokz


Toegevoegd door: MelHardest @
Laatst gewijzigd door: MelHardest @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 01:00:05
Gestemd door: HardT3K-Tic Meneer-Badmuts
Favoriet van: Meneer-Badmuts Coti

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Drokz - The Wild One Makes Your Hips Go Boom
2. Drokz - Bang Bang
3. Drokz - I Deserve To Get Drunk
4. Drokz - Shotta
5. Drokz, Akira & UVC - HKV Horror
6. Drokz - Labelled As A Outcast
7. Drokz - Stealin Yo Shit Part 3
8. Drokz - Keeping It Rough
9. Drokz - Don't Give A Phonk
10. Drokz - Edupaintion & Hisgory
11. Drokz - On the floor
12. Drokz - Supervised Slashing
13. Drokz - Welcome to the diffi-cult
14. Drokz - I Accept The Word Of Satan
15. DROKZ - I'am A terrorhead
16. Drokz - I'm Gonna Rock Ya
17. Drokz & Tafkat - Dedicated 23SA
18. Drokz & Tafkat & The Vizitor - This ain't no disco
19. Drokz - Tafkat & The Vizitor Useless School
20. Drokz - No Prisoners

Meneer-Badmuts -