Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Silent-Servant @ Tresor Berlin


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 02:02:40
Gestemd door: Hansolo

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Electrosonic - Celestial Cantabile
2. Quadrant 01.1 - II
3. Metric System - Wasp
4. Scion - Emerge
5. Aphrohead - In the Dark We Live (Dave Clarke 313 Mix)
6. Planetary Assualt Systems - Booster
7. Octave One - Eniac
8. Jeff Mills - Captivator
9. Planetary Assualt Systems - Funk Electric
10. Regis - Escape from Yourself
11. Cyrus - Enforcement (Mills Mix)
12. Ignacio - Organa
13. Bandulu - Serial Operators
14. iO - Station to Staion
15. Murat - Pilgrimage
16. Missing Channel - Gold
17. Laurent Garnier - Rex Attitude
18. Richard Benson - Diamonds & Pearls
19. Mario J - Home E.P.
20. Regis - Speak To Me
21. DJ Funk - XTC
22. Jack-Tronic - The Hustler (Planetary Assault Systems Remix)
23. Bam Bam - Where's Your Child?
24. Norman - Green Room
25. The Advent - Standers
26. Silver & Kash - Session 2
27. Grenn Velvet - Flash (Paul Johnson Mix)
28. Dan Bell - Science Fiction
29. Funk D'Void - Jack Me Off
30. Jay Denham - Car Jacker
31. Surgeon - Action Balance
32. Themis - Your Round
33. Regis - Allies
34. Fade to Black - Insistent Rhythm
35. Fix - Flash
36. Infiniti - Flash Flood