Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mr. Sinister @ Psych03 Podcast


Toegevoegd door: mrsinisterdj @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:02:00

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Mr. Sinister - Psych03 Podcast 23-12-2014

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1. Furyan - The Ap3x
2. Bodyshock - Bitch!
3. Kasparov - Parallel Worlds
4. Advanced Dealer - War God
5. Masters of Ceremony - Rocking with the Best (Prankster & Synthax Remix)
6. Tommyknocker - Before You Go
7. N3ar - Growling Monster
8. N-Vitral ft. Triax - The Reaper
9. Amnesys - Big Bang (STND Edit)
10. Angerfist, Evil Activities & E-Life - Outta Control
11. N-Vader - A New Era
12. System Shock & Predator ft. Stevie Peavey - Sound of Distortion
13. Angerfist - Take U Back (Mad Dog Remix)
14. Mr. Sinister & D-Ceptor - Psychopathic Evil
15. Alien T - No Popularity Reasons
16. Miss K8 - Too Many Answers
17. Triax & Synapse - Rippin' it Up
18. N-Vitral - Sicko Cell
19. I:Gor - Game Tight
20. Angerfist - Temple Of Disease (Tha Playah Remix)
21. Nosferatu - Hell
22. Mr. Sinister - On A Mission
23. Tieum - Fuck Ur Own Face
24. SRB - Maniac Psycho