Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Fact @ Demo Noisy Show

Industrial Hardcore   Crossbreed

Toegevoegd door: Dfact @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:24:05

Meer info
This one is for the lovers..  ;)

A musical journey from 145 till 180 bpm  :)

Hope you guys like it, Feedback is always welcome!  ;)

Gestemd door: Dfact Xerxes Kaotic B3ToN
Favoriet van: Dfact Kaotic

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Sinister Souls - Meanwhile on Apocalypse
2. The Outside Agency - Godspeed
3. Embrionyc - Beautiful Godless Universe
4. Sacerdos Vigilia - Emergent Hexaform
5. D-Fact - Anyone can be killed
6. Sei2ure - Space Cowboy
7. Dep Affect - A conspiracy on behalf
8. Promo - B-Side Shit
9. The Outside Agency & Mindustries - Carnage In C-Minor
10. Synaptic Memories - Flagellum
11. D-fact - World of pain
12. The Outside Agency - Motherfucking Ants (Parts 1 & 2)
13. Tymon - Kruger
14. Micromakine - Cyberman (Dither Remix)
15. Igneon System - Extinction
16. Switch Technique - Havoc Land
17. Ophidian & Tapage - Head VI
18. Densha Crisis- Keep going
19. Limewax - Spacentime
20. Jan Fleck - Re-Shape
21. District 7 - War is coming
22. Stormtrooper - Crazy Drug Music
23. D-fact - Dark Deeds
24. The Empire - The Prophet
25. N-Vitral & Rude Awakening - Brainbomb
26. Sacerdos Vigilia - About Clipping
27. Enzyme X - Loyalty
28. I:Gor - Lost Control
30. Tugie - The Wolverine
31. D-fact - Irreversible effect
32. Rude Awakening - It's F cked

McBong [Set Editor] -
Industrial + Hardcore tag?

Theres a industrial hardcore tag.
Dfact -
On 15-01-2015 17:40:43, McBong wrote:

Industrial + Hardcore tag?

Theres a industrial hardcore tag.

Ok, i changed it!  ;)
McBong [Set Editor] -
Actually, I meant to REPLACE the industrial + hardcore tag with one IHC tag. There is no industrial here.
There's a difference between industrial and IHC

From the tracklist I would say you need one IHC tag and the crossbreed tag, thats it.
Dfact -
On 15-01-2015 20:19:42, McBong wrote:

Actually, I meant to REPLACE the industrial + hardcore tag with one IHC tag. There is no industrial here.
There's a difference between industrial and IHC

From the tracklist I would say you need one IHC tag and the crossbreed tag, thats it.

aaight, changed it.. again!  :) Hope you're satisfied now..  ;)
McBong [Set Editor] -
Thanks a lot  :thumbsup:
Sorry for being so strict there, it's just that industrial hardcore and pure industrial is VERY different imo  ;)
Dfact -
On 16-01-2015 17:33:52, McBong wrote:

Thanks a lot  :thumbsup:
Sorry for being so strict there, it's just that industrial hardcore and pure industrial is VERY different imo  ;)

Yeah, you have a point!  :)  =D
McBong [Set Editor] -
On topic: The tracklist looks really good, if I have time I'll listen to it in the next days  ;)
Dfact -
On 16-01-2015 18:59:40, McBong wrote:

On topic: The tracklist looks really good, if I have time I'll listen to it in the next days  ;)

Nice, that's eventually why i drop my set here.. hehe! !  ;)

If you've listened to it, some feedback is always welcome man!  ;)

McBong [Set Editor] -
On 16-01-2015 19:41:44, Dfact wrote:


Nice, that's eventually why i drop my set here.. hehe! !  ;)

If you've listened to it, some feedback is always welcome man!  ;)


Ok I listened and I must say I really like it, good job  :) nice tracks and good mixing. And the kick in your track dark deeds sounds alot like embrionyc, I like that  :L
Dfact -
On 17-01-2015 14:41:30, McBong wrote:


Ok I listened and I must say I really like it, good job  :) nice tracks and good mixing. And the kick in your track dark deeds sounds alot like embrionyc, I like that  :L

Thanx man, really appreciate it!  :)  :yay: