Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Stroy @ Pure D-Vastation


Toegevoegd door: D-Stroy @

Lengte: 01:09:14
Gestemd door: dhrrob
Favoriet van: dhrrob

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Deetox - Street Movement
2. Delete - Fast Lane
3. Crypsis - Raw To The Point
4. Unresolved - Gangsta
5. Deetox - Headknocker
6. Delete - The Curse
7. Ran-D - I AM Legion
8. Regain - Push It To The Limit
9. Sub Sonik - To Hell
10. The Anarchist - The Solution
11. Requiem - Killa Hilla
12. Warface - Leviathan
13. Radical Redemption & E-Force - In The House (Unresolved Kick Edit)
14. Frequencerz - Noise
15. Sub Sonik - Look at Me Now
16. Deetox - Bring The Riot
17. Sub Sonik - Go Fuck Yourself
18. E-Force & Digital Punk - My God
19. Freakz At Night - Freakz
20. Typhoon - We Are The Prey