Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

bassStrike -
the intro says one of them comes from russia - about who are they talking?  :D i always thought juanma & rayden are from spain and hellsystem is italian?
Motorhead -
On 05-04-2015 10:07:50, bassStrike wrote:

the intro says one of them comes from russia - about who are they talking?  :D i always thought juanma & rayden are from spain and hellsystem is italian?

U messing? The voice has exactly said : Massive stage Italy, Russia and Spain have sent their best.
Where did you heard that one of them comes from Russia?
Also i don't even know why the hell the voice sayin : Russia, if there is no Russian artists!
The one who knows Russian is Miss K8, but she comes from Ukraine, and as i know Ukraine is not Russia, or now Ukraine is an Russian territory?
Doesen't matter if those both countries was so friendly before there begin so called "Ukraine crisis", Ukraine is not Russia.
bassStrike -
ya thats the sentenced why i got confused. maybe the creator of the introduction was not uptodate  :D