Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tha Partyvisitor @ Visited #33


Toegevoegd door: joost89 @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:06:05

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Visited #33!

Mixed by tha Partyvisitor!

Enjoy the Brutal Sounds of Hardcore!

Gestemd door: Artistic_HB

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Noize Suppressor & Rob Gee - NoizeGee
2. Wasted Mind - Sick of Life
3. Nitrogenetics - Battle Mode
4. Advanced Dealer & The Melodyst - Breaking Point Sound
5. Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian - Without Sin
6. Amnesys ft. MC Axys - Shockwave
7. Bodyshock & MC Jeff - Legacy
8. tha Playah & Frequenerz - Envy
9. Crossfiyah - Forgiveness
10. The Viper & Nosferatu - Kingdom Come
11. Re-Style - Drop That Funky Mashup
12. Bodyshock - Hold Us Back (Decipher & Shinra Remix)
13. AniMe - Bass For Your Face
14. Neophyte - Braincracking (Tha Playah's Ultimate Kick Refix)
15. Art of Fighters & DJ Predator - Hellfire
16. Angerfist - Burn This MF Down
17. Hardcore Masterz Vienna - Shake It!
18. Partyraiser & Scrape Face - Roll The Bass
19. StereoType - Dance
20. Destructive Tendencies ft. Hardbouncer - Destiny
21. Para Italia & Dr. Peacock - Don Core Lyon
22. Unexist & Drokz - Rockus
23. The Vizitor vs The Speedsoul Bross - Jan In De Remix
24. Diss Reaction - Jiiieehaaaa (Angerfist Remix)

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