Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

DJAnonymous @ From The Candle To The Grave


Toegevoegd door: DJAnonymous @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:53:45
Gestemd door: hakkepeter1 DJAnonymous Monkey_D_Ruffy freakish Sarge Trickster Kevin Lew Mainstyler83

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Buzz Fuzz & The Prophet - Go Get Ill
2. G-Town Madness - Locked Down
3. The Viper vs. Mad-E-Fact - Control The Party
4. Bass-D & King Matthew - Power To The People
5. DJ Promo - Phreak Ya Speaka
6. The Viper - X-Terminate
7. Base Alert - Dewegwijzer
8. Art Of Fighters vs. Nico & Tetta - Alleluja Motherfuckers
9. Outblast & Angerfist - The Dominators 2009 Refix
10. The Stunned Guys - Hardcore Takin' Over (David Max Rebuilt 2008)
11. The Viper & Tommyknocker ft. MC Da Mouth Of Madness - The Prophecy Unfolds
12. Art Of Fighters - Artwork (Tha Playah Remix)
13. DJ Mad Dog - Nasty
14. Dyprax & Predator - Blood Cycle
15. Kasparov - Raw And Uncut
16. Meccano Twins - Ignite
17. Re-Style & Korsakoff - Rebellion
18. Angerfist - Burn This MF Down
19. Dyprax & Angerfist - The Pearly Gates
20. Angerfist - Yes (Znooptokkiedrokz Refix)
21. Catscan vs. Predator - Fire & Ice
22. Angerfist - My Style From The Darkside
23. Noize Suppressor - Kiss (DJ Promo Remix)

Kenneth1980 -
In tegenstelling tot velen die de versie van The Playah beter vinden, is de originele versie het beste  :thumbsup2:
The Viper and Tommyknocker feat. MC Da Mouth Of Madness - The Prophecy