Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Dark Moon @ Neodyme Renaissance


Toegevoegd door: DJDM82 @

Bestandstype: WAV
Lengte: 01:04:40
Gestemd door: DJDM82

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Amnesys ft. Axys & Nolz - The Troublemaker
2. Nosferatu - The Wide Side
3. AniMe - Bass For Your Face
4. Art Of Fighters, Synthax & Xcite - Creatures Of The Night
5. AniMe - A-Bomb
6. Art of Fighters & DJ Mad Dog - Badass
7. DJ Mad Dog - The Flow
8. The Melodyst - Raveolusion
9. Miss K8 - The Poison
10. Alien T - No Popularity Reasons
11. TommyKnocker - Wild
12. DJ Mad Dog & Unexist - Disaproving God
13. DJ D & The Viper - Loose Control
14. Advanced Dealer ft. MC Axys - Showtime
15. Meccano Twins - Sinapse (Shadow Mix)
16. Art of Fighters - Fuck You!
17. Javi Boss - I'm here
18. Art of Fighters - Goodbye (See You Next Time)