Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Bass Modulators vs. Zentiments @ Fear FM - The 2Dangerous Show


Toegevoegd door: Jro_ @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Maximumraver @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:00:00

Meer info
Not the whole show, just the guest DJ's.

Gestemd door: Setenza Nego Vogelhuisje Jro_ Nevio hostage Duruz Balkbrug SchizeQ Pithune Divine JohnCove mattiess [deleted user] m4a1 Legolas Sandstorm421 Vivec Abrikozenjam donkeyrollers PhresiF Minispark TheDizZorder Buentie T_Killer sharez Matze Wojtek Cazper cmf MrDrokz [deleted user] thommie Credo kissofdeath Deserteagles CrazyDutchMan Sniper stefan88pt Q-DanCe__ Rick-E Zairon Johnny250 TheXQz FutureStrike Jipdenk rummel remik09 B.A.S.H Hardstyler90 Vinner ThaMaster NLS04 Markiyo Kuzco073 SDK Paxton HS4E A-BASS Typh Neaunamer View all ratings
Favoriet van: Divine

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Bass Modulators - Damage Control (Zentiments Remix)
2. D-Block & S-te-fan - Music Made Addict
3. B-Ware & Frequencerz - Rawk
4. DJ Phil Ty - A Kay A (Ehm.. Mix)
5. Project One - Rate Reducer (Headhunterz Remix)
6. Alphaverb - Got It!
7. Frequencerz - Wishes
8. Bass Modulators - NRGizer
9. 2-Sidez - God
10. Bass Modulators vs B-Front - Pathology
11. V.A. - Zanzalicious (Bass Modulators Mash Up)
12. Bad Elements - DJ Revolution (DJ KayEm Remix)
13. Noisecontrollers ‎- Ctrl.Alt.Delete (In Qontrol Anthem 2009)

Bierman -
On 15-05-2009 20:20:01, Vogelhuisje wrote:

Omdat ik TL heb gemaakt en toen pas intunede  :p

lullo. gut gut gut
Loony -
Big Dawg
It kinda defeats the purpose of Bass Modulators going on to Fear FM to DJ & promote his new track NRGizer & the arsehole's at Fear FM talk all the way through it  :')
Vogelhuisje [Moderator] -
Haat aan vocals
It's in their player on
Loony -
Big Dawg
On 15-05-2009 23:00:36, Vogelhuisje wrote:

It's in their player on

Yeah, but that's not the point.
Sc0tTy -
Hey welke link, heeft niet dat beginstuk van een andere set ? das beetje kut
stefan88pt -
© ® ™
01. Bass Modulators - Damage Control (Zentiments Remix)  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:
02. D-Block & S-te-Fan - Music Made Addict  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:
03. B-Ware & Frequencerz - Rawk  :yay:
04. DJ Phil Ty - A Kay A (Ehm.. Mix)  :yay:
05. Project One - Rate Reducer (Headhunterz Remix)  :yay:
06. Alphaverb - Got It
07. Frequencerz - Wishes  :bomb:  :info:
08. Bass Modulators - NRGizer  :bomb:
09. 2-Sidez - GOD  :bomb:
10. Bass Modulators vs. B-Front - Pathology  :bomb:
11. V.A. - Zanzalicious (Bass Modulators Mash Up)  :bomb:
12. Bad Elements - DJ Revolution (Kayem Rmx)  :bomb:
13. Noisecontrollers - CTRL ALT DEL (In Qontrol Anthem 2009)  :bomb:
Q-DanCe__ -
A.C Milan Fan !
 :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
TheXQz -
'cause I got high. Laaa la da da
 o_Ostefan where is the  :bomb: for 06. Alphaverb - Got It??
Jipdenk -
On 15-05-2009 12:15:04, TheDizZorder wrote:
btw: de truc van luc (tip/uitspraak van de week, van luc) .. hilarisch  :thumbsup2:

Volgens mij vond ie em zelf et leukst
remik09 -
oh my god this guy who is speking during set makes me mad :/
B.A.S.H -
To weird to live, To rare to die
what a pointless set. how can people give this a positive rating?! this is more talking than music.
dennisz -
On 15-05-2009 12:15:04, TheDizZorder wrote:

On 15-05-2009 12:04:58, Duruz wrote:

On 15-05-2009 12:03:19, TheDizZorder wrote:


et was weer erg gezellig  :)
volgende week 3uur lang early hardstyle !!!


Das wa minder.  :D

btw: de truc van luc (tip/uitspraak van de week, van luc) .. hilarisch  :thumbsup2:

Inderdaad... wat een bak zeg!  :yawn:
Vinner -
Music Is My Weapon
09. 2-Sidez - GOD  :w00t:  :w00t:

Wat een bass  :yay:
What is the first track called, the one BEFORE Duro - Just Begun?

PS: Where is the annoying MC warning??