Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Playboyz @ The Qontinent 2015 Promo Mix Luna Park

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Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:30:48

Meer info
7-8-9 August 2015! Recreation Area Puyenbroeck, Wachtebeke (near Gent), Belgium

Gestemd door: Darkness4Life

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Playboyz - The Qontinent Intro
2. Valentino Khan ft. DJ Kool - Make Some Noise
3. Yellowclaw - Kaolo (Destin bootleg)
4. Mr. Polska ft. Ronnie Flex - Ravotten (Playboyz Edit)
5. LNY TNZ - Bass
6. Boaz van de Beatz ft. Mr Polska & Ronnie Flex - No Way Home
8. Helena - Shake it around the world (Playboyz Bootleg)
9. Ruthless & Dave S - My Little Drummachine
10. Bingo Players - Devotion (Playboyz Bootleg)
11. Donkey Rollers - The Sound Of The Beast (Dr. Rude Remix)
12. Technoboy - E-Biza (Playboyz Hit Hard Edit)
13. HHZ, Chrystal Lake & Dr. Rude - Live Your Feelings (Playboyz Mash Up)
14. Playboyz - Illusions
15. Playboyz - Puta Ya Head Up (Mash Up)
16. Playboyz - Just As Arise (Mash Up)
17. DJ Paul Elstak - Push Em Up (Freestyle Mix)
18. Dance Nation - Sunshine (Playboyz Remix)
19. Jack Of Sound, Alpha² & Storm - Das Weite Burn (Playboyz Mashup)
20. Diss Reaction - Jiiieehaaaa (Angerfist Remix)

Nongetjie -
Zippy anyone?