Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Trident @ Hard Talent Factory (Submission)


Toegevoegd door: TridentNL @

Lengte: 00:27:56

Meer info
Hey guys,

My submission for the Hard Talent Factory, I hope you will enjoy it! Dark, raw en epic tracks only!

Gestemd door: dhrrob
Favoriet van: dhrrob


1) Caine & Denzy - Mutation
2) Thyron - Dark Emotions
3) Adaro & Danny Scandal - For the Streets (Regain Remix)
4) Alpha Twins - Fragments (X-pander Remix)
5) Hardcraft - Mindgame
6) E-force - Disorder (Official Ground Zero 2015 Anthem)
7) Deetox & Delete - Fatal
8) Luminite & Malice - Factus
9) Requiem - Rebellion
10) Activator - I Am the Dark
11) Alien-T - The Hammer of the Devil (Raw Infantry Remix)