Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Scot Project @ Memorylane 2015


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:02:13

Meer info
Klokgebouw Eindhoven

Gestemd door: Audioholik PLK stefan__EHV K1aptcha Credo Hansolo Smokey Micha82 Meggido QonFuzion

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Yoda - Definitely (DJ Scot Project Remix)
2. Arome - Visions Of Paradize
3. Paragliders - Oasis (Scot Project Remix)
4. Derb - D.F.C. (DJ Scot Project Remix)
5. Twister's Silence - Listen To Me Mama (DJ Scot Project Remix)
6. DJ Scot Project - R (Rock!)
7. DJ X 2000 - Modem (DJ Scot Project Remix)
8. DJ Scot Project - F (DJ Scot's Hardriff Mix)
9. Beam vs. Cyrus - Thunder In Paradise (DJ Scot Project Remix)
10. Yoji Biomehanika - Ding-A-Ling (DJ Scot Project Remix)
11. Hennes & Cold - The Second Trip (DJ Scot Project Remix)
12. Marcel Woods - Advanced (DJ Scot Project's Set You Free Remix 2006)
13. Arome - Hands Up! (DJ Scot Project Remix)
14. DJ Scot Project - O (Overdrive)

Audioholik -
01- Yoda - Definitely (Scot Project Remix)
02- Arome - Visions Of Paradise (Original Mix)
03- Paragliders - Oasis (Scot Project Remix)
04- Derb - D.F.C (Scot Project Remix)
05- Twister Silence - Listen To Me Mama (Scot Project Remix)
06- Scot Project - R (Rock!)
07- DJ X 2000 - Modem (DJ Scot Project Remix)
08- Scot Project - F (Future Is Now) (Scot's Hardriff Mix)
09- Beam vs Cyrus - Thunder In Paradise (Scot Project Remix)
10- Yoji Biomehanika - Ding A Ling (Scot Project Remix)
11- Hennes and Cold - The Second Trip (Scot Project Remix)
12- Marcel Woods - Advanced (Scot Project Will Set You Free Remix)
13- Arome - Hands Up (Scot Project Remix)
14- Scot Project - Overdrive (Original Mix)

Amazing set from the master of hardtrance! I dare to say; the best producer in the world, at least according to me!  ;)
Only note; the pace of the mixing is pretty fast, I understand that a lot of these tracks are almost 10 min in duration, but some tracks are really mixed out to soon!
Gewijzigd door Audioholik op 23-10-2015 20:39
On 23-10-2015 14:25:56, Audioholik wrote:

01- Yoda - Definitely (Scot Project Remix)
02- Arome - Visions Of Paradise (Original Mix)
03- ID
04- ID
05- Twister Silence - Listen To Me Mama (Scot Project Remix)
06- ID vocal 'get off' ?
07- ID 'dailup modem connection sounds' but not 'Mo-dem - Contact (We Gotta Connect)'
08- Scot Project - F (Future Is Now) (Scot's Hardriff Mix)
09- Beam vs Cyrus - Thunder In Paradise (Scot Project Remix)
10- Yoji Biomehanika - Ding A Ling (Scot Project Remix)
11- Hennes and Cold - The Second Trip (Scot Project Remix)
12- Marcel Woods - Advanced (Scot Project Will Set You Free Remix)
13- Arome - Hands Up (Scot Project Remix)
14- Scot Project - Overdrive (Original Mix)

Amazing set from the master of hardtrance! I dare to say; the best producer in the world, at least according to me!  ;)
Only note; the pace of the mixing is pretty fast, I understand that a lot of these tracks are almost 10 min in duration, but some tracks are really mixed out to soon!

The ID's sound so familiar, but I cant remember the names. Hopefully some of you will know, these are some smashing tracks!

The 2 ids should be

03 = Paragliders - Oasis ( Scot Project Remix )
04 = Derb - D.F.C (Scot Project Remix)
Great set all in all
Opperhoofd -
06 - DJ Scot Project - R (Rock!)
07 - DJ X 2000 - Modem (DJ Scot Project Remix)
Audioholik -
Thanks guys!

Edited my initial post  :thumbsup2:
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Thank you, Audioholik! That saves me some time  :p
Nice to see a Hardtrance set in the Top 10  :thumbsup:
Gewijzigd door Hansolo op 23-10-2015 22:14
Audioholik -
Awesome indeed!