Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Deetox @ Qlimax 2015


Toegevoegd door: bassStrike @
Laatst gewijzigd door: bassStrike @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:29:55
Gestemd door: bassStrike B. Brainweaver Prankster dhrrob Antek Mr.Johnny.Napalm chicomaster 19TSTD76 Meggido Krauser Boomrups HeavyEnergizer lexxtraxx mstx sinenV Joeyy vuxajoro XXenator Lucato rudeman Bjarni scebio BartyFire Wigge P4RTYLOV3R FlufflePuff Morbid_Angel DamageD Devasticate Mystika Lewaru DJTheJoker Er_MuReNa DistortedWraith Quatto bAsher26 CB92 bull83 partysoft reniao666 Jubke McBong burt1992 Hansolo gero julien92600 -michaelhughes Motorhead View all ratings
Favoriet van: B. dhrrob Mr.Johnny.Napalm dhrrob90 Lucato DamageD

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Break Zero & Deetox - Rock It (1)
2. VINAI - The Wave (Sub Zero Project Bootleg) (1)
3. Prefix & Density - Just A Memory
4. Bass Chaserz - In Control
5. Delete & Deetox - Alone
6. Deetox - Bring The Riot (Qlimax 2015 Edit)
7. Deepack - The Prophecy (Deepack & Deetox 2015 Edit)
8. Deetox - Lower Level
9. Deetox & Delete ft. MC Livid - Do Or Die (Rebelion Remix)
10. E-Force & Deetox - Rawness (Edit)
11. Deetox ft. MC Nolz - Trigger (Hardcore Edit)

B. -
Set van de avond!!!
Wat ging dit hard!
Brainweaver -
rebelion remix  :bomb:  :yay:
maurice26 -
is deze te downloaded toevallig
Glennpeters21 -
Trippin' :p #ThePurge
On 22-11-2015 17:55:14, maurice26 wrote:

is deze te downloaded toevallig

Er staat een Zippyshare link bij  :)
Wigge -
Epic & Raw
Uhh 2nd best Set of the Night - directy behind the best: Ran-D !
Kremer -
Fucking lekkerrr!!! Moet ook maar weer eens een feesie meepikken haha!