Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Sjammienators @ Hardcore4life meets Darkness4life Videomix


Toegevoegd door: JeffreyFCT @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:50:53
Gestemd door: JurneSleddens DopeyMHL D4RkN3sS Hansolo Bjarni
Favoriet van: Hansolo

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Sjammienators - Unfriended
2. Death Shock - Pain Out (1)
3. Death Shock - Say It
4. Tharoza ft. MC Komplex - Break It Down MF
5. Sjammienators & System Overload - Rumble
6. The Demon Dwarf ft. MC Da Mouth Of Madness - Fucking Bastards
7. Wars Industry & Sjammienators - We Feel Your Fear
8. Sjammienators & Spitnoise - Just Do It
9. Sjammienators - Life's A Bitch
10. System Overload - Crazy Maniac (Sjammienators Remix)
11. The Demon Dwarf & Sjammienators - Bass Hit
12. Sjammienators - Hardcore Is Leven
13. Sjammienators ft. MC No-ID - BKJN
14. Sjammienators & Noize Destructor - Dafuq Did You Do
15. Sjammienators & The Demon Dwarf & Lunakorpz - No Strings On Us
16. Dark Connection - City Guy
17. Sequencer - Make It Happen
18. Sjammienators - Shish Kebab Your Ass