Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Barty Fire & NtranceR @ RHR.FM #84

Gestemd door: dhrrob90 BartyFire
Favoriet van: dhrrob90 BartyFire

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  Ntrancer Part
1. Ntrancer - Viper
2. Pavo - From Scratch
3. The Killers - Human (Deepack Hardstyle Bootleg)
4. Atmozfears - Destroy
5. B-Freqz - Overdose
6. Frequencerz - Bitch (Crypsis Remix)
7. Ran-D - I AM Legion
8. Axe & P-Stylez - B-Front MASH
  Barty Fire Part
9. B-Front & Zany - Victims of the Same World
10. Jack of Sound & Delete - Heavy Damage
11. Chris One - Sin City
12. B-Front - Inner Creativity
13. Hardstyle Mafia - Raw Resistance
14. B-Freqz - Ghost Town
15. Prefix & Density - Personality
16. Adaro ft. Danny Scandal - For the Street (Regain Remix)
17. Radical Redemption - Piece Of Shit