Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Lekker Hondje @ ME201611: Circular Tech Night Black

Crossbreed   Drum & Bass

Toegevoegd door: eviwyn @

Lengte: 00:55:17
Gestemd door: Dam1en eviwyn Demanufacturer

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Agressor Bunx - Total Destroy
2. Damage Inc - Blackball (Gancher & Ruin Remix)
3. eDUB - Cradle Of Fear
4. Coppa & Raise Spirit ft. Nihayet - Oh No (Blaine Stranger Remix)
5. Axiom & ChrisIO - Centershot
6. Limewax - Kristall Weizen (Mathizm Remix)
7. Dimnet - Illusion of Choice
8. Counterstrike & Donny - Tear Your Soul Apart (Cooh Remix)
9. Peter Kurten & Savage - It's Comming
10. Agressor Bunx - Infinity
11. Forbidden Society - Order (Freqax Remix)
12. Tatlum - Show Yourself (Syrinx Remix)
13. Savage - Naquadria
14. Circular D & DiMAN!X - Rapid
15. Savage - Pipe In Ya Head
16. Brainpain - The Flame
17. Neonlight - Bad Omen
18. Tarek - Jack's Raging Bile Duct
19. eDUB - Perraca
20. Biomek & Demanufacturer - The Artifact
21. Hallucinator & Sinister Souls - Exorcize
22. Mefjus & Insideinfo ft. The Upbeats - Footpath
23. Relapse & Dataklysm - Our Extinction
24. Savage - Ragnar
25. Kryzys - Martyr
26. TriaMer & Nagato - The White Moon
27. Circular D & DiMAN!X - Rage Among Us
28. Innominate - The Price You Pay
29. Im Colapsed - Wrong Number