Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dj ChaZzz @ Piepelaar in progress-MIX (1'50'')

Breakcore   Crossbreed   Darkcore

Toegevoegd door: kaske83 @
Laatst gewijzigd door: kaske83 @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:50:20

Meer info
Hardcore / Breakcore / crossbreed

special thanks to Galid

Gestemd door: kaske83

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. I:Gor - This Is What I Am
2. DuranDuranDuran - Kotze
3. Bryan Fury - C4 Killa - 2016 Banana Bomb Remix by Hellfish
4. SA†AN - Punishment
5. Matt Green & Al Twisted - More or Less
6. Industrial Terrorists - Close Quarters
7. Dolphin - Hengsha
8. Bryan Fury - Curb Stomp
9. Dither - Lights Out
10. Djipe - Painanguish
11. Hardlogik & Syrinx - Remy LaCroix Boxing Day
12. SATAN - You Was My Favorite Corpse
13. Hellfish- Death Mechanics Mentally Fucked Up
14. Axe Gabba Murda Mob - Trashcan Tutorial
15. Dolphin - Raiders Cap
16. Hellfish - Hands Zup
17. Detest - Motherfuckaaa (Okonomiyaki Frenzy Remix)
18. SATAN - Your Own Hell
19. eRRe - Noise & Clap
20. Hellfish - Death Mechanics
21. Hellfish - Soundboy Pussy (Hellfish 2014 Ravecore Remix)
22. Dolphin - Devastator Dominator
23. Dolphin - Army Of Zombies
24. Axe Gabba Murda Mob - Repeat Perscription (Hellfish Remix)
25. Bryan Fury - Infekted
26. ChaZzz - Breakcore is all in the Head
27. ChaZzz - Bad Ass Ready
28. ChaZzz - Voices (work in progess)
29. hellfish - Eminem Is Dead
30. Hellfish - The House of 1000 Kickdrums