Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Lekker Hondje @ ME201613: Black Tech Chronicle

Drum & Bass

Toegevoegd door: eviwyn @

Lengte: 00:50:43
Gestemd door: Dam1en eviwyn Thermus Xerxes

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Encode - Overwatch
2. Silent Extent & Task Horizon - 420
3. June Miller & Teddy Killerz - Rock'n'Roll
4. BTK & Cold Fusion & Optiv - Void (Impak Remix)
5. Mr Me - Chain (Lekker Hondje Chain Of Disordered Chaos Remix)
6. The Upbeats - Dr. Kink
7. James Marvel ft. MC Mota - Trump
8. Mefjus & InsideInfo - Leibniz
9. The Clamps - Aekon
10. Beterror & M1CH3L P. - Close Your Eyes
11. Kroks - Dominator
12. Zardonic & Joanna Syze & Tyhh - Your Salvation
13. Neus - Feel That (Lekker Hondje's Voel Dit Remix)
14. Segment & Concept Vision - Radiant
15. The Upbeats - Dungeon
16. Hybrid Minds ft. Grimm - Meant To Be (InsideInfo Remix)
17. Skynet - Disorder (Neonlight Remix)
18. June Miller - Robots & Romans (Audio Remix)
19. Big-Head - Haunted
20. Digital & Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Fire
21. Limewax - Let Me
22. Coppa & Current Value - Calling You
23. Machine Code - Planet 9
24. Kroks - Titan
25. Blockhe4d & Gridlok - Bad Kat
26. Counterstrike & Donny - Tear Your Soul Apart (Cooh Remix)
27. The Clamps - Social Disorder
28. Merikan - Psychological Trauma
29. Portanexus & Lakeway - Immerse
30. Optiv - Boudicca (Telekinesis Remix)
31. Lekker Hondje - In Tears