Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

2Faced @ Dreamfields Festival 2016 Warm-Up


Toegevoegd door: Rickzel @
Laatst gewijzigd door: -michaelhughes @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:07:03
Gestemd door: Rickzel loddersG dhrrob90 mstx Roybrussel Snufver Elske8 qydos Ronder
Favoriet van: dhrrob90 iina21 Rickzel

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Devin Wild - Children of the Sun (Dreamfields Anthem 2016)
2. Cyber - I Am God
3. Prefix & Density - Contrast
4. Adaro & B-front - Rock Now
5. The Machine - Mosquito
6. Envine & The Geminizers - Nightmare
7. MYST - The Ultimate Destination
8. Chain Reaction - Oldschool Style
9. Chris One - Ready 2 Die
10. Phuture Noize - The Bass God
11. Notorious Two - Take Them Down
12. Neroz & Regain - Nothin' Like The Oldschool
13. Titan & Jack Of Sound - Demon
14. D-Sturb ft. Asa - Fuckin Up The System
15. Radical Redemption & Digital Punk - Coitus
16. N-Crypta - Gods of Anger
17. Scream Intention - Destructor
18. Deetox & Delete - Alone
19. Warface - Everlasting Fire
20. N-Vitral & Delete - New World Order

bizznizz -
groeten uit winterswijk  :worship:
Rickzel -
On 05-07-2016 20:24:27, bizznizz wrote:

groeten uit winterswijk  :worship:

Haha groeten terug  :D Wel benieuwd wie je bent