Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Brutale @ BRTL


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:09:29

Meer info

Gestemd door: DJTheJoker mrshcr
Favoriet van: mrshcr

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1. The Anunnaki - #Killah
2. The Braindrillerz - Voice Of My Soul
3. Andy The Core & Sei2ure - Touch It
4. Meccano Twins - Divine Energy
5. Cobra & Tieum - Impconscious (Tieum Remix)
6. The Anunnaki & Sei2ure - Rave On
7. The Sickest Squad & Tieum ft. Kraken - Swingbeat (VIP Sickcore Remix)
8. Underground Vandalz ft. A-kriv - Demon
9. OGM909 - Blow Your Mind
10. Bit Reactors - M.F. Stereo
11. Brutale & Rob Gee - No Compromise
12. The Punisher - Side To Side
13. Andy The Core & Delta 9 - Hit U Harder
14. Al Twisted & Necrotic - Baddest MF
15. Meccano Twins & The Sickest Squad - WTFU
16. Underground Vandalz - Fuck You
17. Kutski & Joey Riot - Get Busy
18. Andy The Core - Brutal Method
19. Pattern J vs Psiko - Dead again
20. Nukem - Moshpit
21. Unexist - I Can't Escape My Mind
22. Andy The Core - Only in Texas
23. Meccano Twins - The Taste Of Blood
24. The Sickest Squad & Radium Ft. Kraken - Bomb By Bomb
25. Brutale - Brutale