Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Raweez b2b Hatom @ Exploration Festival 2016 Devastator Stage

Early Hardstyle   Hardtrance

Toegevoegd door: Raweez @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:04:43

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Gestemd door: Revir77

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1. Orions Voices - Cockroaches (DJ Scot Project Remix)
2. Mark Sherry ft. Space Frog & Derb - Follow Me (Psyburst Mix)
3. Peter Plaznik - Operator Bandit (Sektor V Remix)
4. K-Traxx - Noise Tool (Technoboy Remix)
5. Walt Jenssen - Waltmart
6. DJ Zany - P.L.O.R.K.
7. DJ Isaac - On The Edge
8. Zenith DJ vs Avex - Scream
9. Pavo & Zany - Porn
10. Donkey Rollers - Motherfuck (Nexus Remix)
11. The Real Booty Babes - Meet Her At The Loveparade
12. Russenmafia - Go! (West Mix)
13. ASYS - Acid Nightmare (DJ Zany Remix)
14. DJ Ki - On it
15. Die Antwoord vs Coca - Extreme Voice (Geck-o Mashup)
16. Hatom - Nikita Warren Needs To Go Hard
17. Activator - Everything (Hatom Edit)
18. TNT - Ravish