Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Nosferatu @ Syndicate 2016


Toegevoegd door: Motorhead @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 00:58:55

Meer info

Gestemd door: The_Sociopath partysoft 19TSTD76 bassStrike sinenV Meggido Ri Ck Broersma DopeyMHL shellghost iina21
Favoriet van: DopeyMHL iina21

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Nosferatu & DJ Mad Dog - Weapon of Choice (First Version)
2. DJ Mad Dog - Not My Tempo
3. Neophyte & Nosferatu - S.I.C.K.
4. DJ Mad Dog - Dogfight
5. D-Fence - Krakaka (2016 Edit)
6. D-Fence - Pompen
7. Neophyte & Evil Activities with E-Life & Alee - Exodus (Exodus 2016 Anthem)
8. Tha Playah - Get Hard
9. Kasparov & Amada ft. Diesel - Ik Wil Stampen!
10. Nosferatu - The Wild Side
11. Endymion & Nosferatu - Drunk With A Gun (Evil Activities Remix)
12. Nosferatu & Evil Activities - Sanctity Inside (Mashup)
13. Neophyte & D-Fence With Tim & Alee - Rammen
14. Nosferatu & Neophyte - Rubberduck
15. DJ Mad Dog & MC Nolz & MC Syco - The Apocalypse (Unity 2015 Anthem)
16. Endymion, The Viper & The Outside Agency - 6 Million Ways To Rage In The Dancehall (Nosferatu mashed)
17. Synthax - Bring it Hardcore
18. Nosferatu - Kim Van Dat Dak Af (1)
19. D-Fence - Bass Line
20. Furyan & Nosferatu - Killswitch

Emoticons_Stole_My_Face -
please upload Day-Mar Vs DT  :yes:  :thumbsup2:
bassStrike -
01. ID
02. DJ Mad Dog - Not My Tempo
03. Neophyte & Nosferatu - S.I.C.K.
04. DJ Mad Dog - Dogfight
05. D-Fence - Krakaka (2016 Edit)
06. D-Fence - Pompen
07. Neophyte & Evil Activities With E-Life & Alee - Exodus (Official Exodus 2016 Anthem)
08. Tha Playah - Get Hard
09. Kasparov & Amada ft. Diesel - Ik Wil Stampen!
10. Nosferatu - The Wild Side
11. Endymion & Nosferatu - Drunk With A Gun (Evil Activities Remix)
12. Nosferatu & Evil Activities - Sanctity Inside
13. Neophyte & D-Fence With Tim & Alee - Rammen
14. Nosferatu & Neophyte - Rubberduck
15. DJ Mad Dog & MC Nolz & MC Syco - The Apocalypse (Unity 2015 Anthem)
16. Endymion, The Viper & The Outside Agency - 6 Million Ways To Rage In The Dancehall (Nosferatu mashed)
17. Synthax - Bring it Hardcore
18. ID
19. D-Fence - Bass Line
20. Furyan & Nosferatu - Killswitch
aalexhardcore -
1. DJ Mad Dog & Nosferatu - TBA
hardstyl3MF -
track 1 is an early version of DJ Mad Dog & Nosferatu - Weapon Of Choice, better than the final released version imo
Gewijzigd door hardstyl3MF op 07-12-2019 12:35