Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Geminizers @ Loudness 2016 Promo Mix


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:01:25

Meer info
12th of November at Maassilo in Rotterdam

Gestemd door: dhrrob90 RadiationDJ Rocko DJTheJoker
Favoriet van: dhrrob90

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Excision & Downlink - Rock You

2. B-Freqz - Psycho

3. Alpha² & B-Front - Liberate (E-Force Remix)
4. Titan - Nightmare
5. The Geminizers - Gangsta Shit
6. Crypsis & Sub Sonik - King Kong
7. Sasha F - Artificial Reality
8. Delete - Level (Phuture Noize Remix)

9. The Geminizers & The Machine - Headshot
10. The Pitcher & B-Front - Noctus Noa

11. Digital Punk - Hate On Me
12. The Geminizers - F.H.M.
13. Radical Redemption - Wash Away
14. Warface & The Geminizers - Path to Extinction
15. Digital Mindz ft. MC Heretik - Resonant Part III
16. Rebellion - How It Goes

17. Apexx - Obey

18. The Geminizers & Delete - Evolve
19. Vazard & Delete vs Main Concern - Gone Too Far

20. Malice - Doom (Loudness 2016 Edit)

21. Malice & Rooler - Aggressive Acts