Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tiifa @ Tiifa's Diversity Podcast Episode 11

Drum & Bass

Toegevoegd door: Tiifa @
Laatst gewijzigd door: mstx @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:00:48

Meer info
Finally it's Monday which means another episode of the Diversity Podcast! And also the first one of this year, so I thought I'll make it truly diverse by playing some neurofunk dnb. It's a genre I listen to quite a lot in my own time so why not mix it?! I'm quite happy with the results and the tracklist so I really hope you guys will enjoy it too.

Gestemd door: Tiifa mstx FuKt
Favoriet van: mstx

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Spor ft. James Hadouken - Empire
2. CA2K - Watertank
3. Legion & Zardonic ft. Genr8 - Say Nothing
4. AnB - What You Need
5. Telekinesis - Break
6. Spor - Powder Monkey
7. Black Sun Empire - Until The World Ends (Mind Vortex Remix ft. PNC)
8. Zardonic, Counterstrike, Gein & Robin Chaos - Revolution (Eye-D Remix)
9. Pythius - Heresy
10. Black Sun Empire ft. Audio - Drizzle
11. Teddy Killerz & Nphonix - Earth Shaker
12. HeDJ & Blokehe4d - Spirit
13. Symplex - Earth Attack
14. The Clamps - Radiation
15. 2Whales - Cursed
16. Absolute Zero & Subphonics - The Code (SKC Remix)
17. Misanthrop - Trashriot

mstx [Admin] -
Altijd goed geleid en shit
On 28-01-2017 17:27:07, Shyro wrote:

Somehow not in

Now it is  :thumbsup: