Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Nico Ramirez @ Hard Force United and Friends (Winter Session 2017)


Toegevoegd door: hardcorerepublic @

Lengte: 01:00:00

Meer info
Nico Ramirez @ Hard Force United & Friends Winter Session Moscow Russia - Techno-Hard Techno 136 Bpm


1.Kai Pattenberg - Whirlpool / Whirlpool Ep
2.Dominik Stuppy - Total Demolition
3.Fressfeind - Compressor
4.Brettermärchen - Derb
5.Brettermärchen - Techquisit
6.VA - Crystal Mett - Crystal Mett Ep
7.Extrakt - Sniffyzam
8.Ronny Vergara - Mac / Nick. ' Jacholson Rmx
9.VA - Rausch / Rausch Ep
10.VA - Cornholio
11.Sperber & Oener - Macht & Monetas
12.Matthew - This is my way / MP Records
13.Cro Magnon aka Bas Albers - Temporary Vibrations
14.SCH!ZOPHREN - Borderline
15.VA - Dark Instinct
16.Die Antwoord - Pitt Bull Terrier / SCH!ZOPHREN Bootleg