Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Freak @ Neurocore Anthologie


Toegevoegd door: EviLiv @
Laatst gewijzigd door: McBong @

Lengte: 01:37:16
Gestemd door: EviLiv McBong ThorstenSCWorldwide snsgn hardcorerepublic

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Neurocore - Daech
2. Neurocore - Digital Drugz
3. Neurocore - Stigma
4. Neurocore - Autonome Astronome
5. Neurocore - Perfection Belongs To The Gods
6. Neurocore - Falling Apart
7. Neurocore - Memento Mori
8. Neurocore - Highways
9. Neurocore - No Return
10. Neurocore - Transsexual Paranoia
11. Neurocore - Oublie Tes Illusions
12. Neurocore - Cold As A Cyborg
13. Undacover - Intrusion (Neurocore Remix)
14. Neurocore - The Sinking Ship
15. Neurocore - Highways (Crash Mix)
16. Neurocore - Aurora Borealis
17. Neurocore - Maglev
18. Neurocore - Tears Of Clouds
19. Neurocore - Souvenirs Du Future
20. Neurocore - Minimal Hightech
21. Neurocore - Relativitie Du Sommeil