Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Counterstrike @ Algorythmix 6

Drum & Bass

Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:40:39
Gestemd door: Hansolo EviLiv

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Dub Elements, Thrasher & Counterstrike - Renegade
2. Counterstrike - Vitriol
3. Counterstrike - Abnormal Levels Of Aggression
4. Fortitude & Robyn Chaos - Broadmoor Blues (Counterstrike Remix)
5. The Clamps - Strains (Counterstrike Remix)
6. Black Sun Empire & Audio - Cloud Parasite
7. Killbox - Pitchfork
8. Fragz & Counterstrike - Inhale
9. Freqax & Counterstrike - Beneath Existence
10. High Rankin - Get Loose
11. Gydra - Unhinged
12. Merikan - One Man's Hell Is Another Man's Paradise
13. Counterstrike - Compulsion
14. Fragz - Sigelei
15. Katharsys - Precog
16. Billain - Batbots (Mindscape Remix)
17. Rusty K - AC-130 (The Clamps Remix)
18. AnatomiX - My Time (Optiv & BTK Remix)
19. Hybris - Bottle Collector
20. Synthakt - Faint
21. Merikan - Superficial Extent
22. Current Value - Mind's Nature
23. Limewax - NYCock
24. Limewax & Counterstrike - Ultraviolet
25. Synthakt & Counterstrike - I Believe
26. Counterstrike - Missing Channel
27. Malsum & Counterstrike - Uprising