Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Warface @ Intents Festival 2017 Warmup Mix


Toegevoegd door: JurneSleddens @
Laatst gewijzigd door: -michaelhughes @

Lengte: 00:32:05

Meer info

Gestemd door: JurneSleddens Aerobass Hansolo dhrrob90 Sarge Thermus Jim Van 't Veld Rocko Seizure Aprice007 Bloodcage21 -michaelhughes
Favoriet van: dhrrob90 -michaelhughes

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Hard Driver & Warface - Criminal Intentions
2. D-Sturb - Marked For Death
3. Rebelion - Echoes
4. Warface - Silent Crimes
5. Crypsis & Luna - Torture (Frequencerz Remix)
6. Radical Redemption & D-Sturb - Kill Me
7. Warface - Fake Ass Bitches
8. Warface - FTP (E-Force Remix)
9. Killshot - Beastmode
10. E-Force & Radical Redemption - Screw Up
11. E-Force & Warface & Rebelion - One
12. Delete - Munky Shit
13. Killshot - Who's The Boss
14. Warface ft. Superior - Beyond Aggression (Rebelion Remix)
15. E-Force & Deadly Guns - Shocked

Luc Geurts -
1. Warface & Hard Driver - Criminal intentions
2. D-Sturb - Marked For Death
3. Rebelion - Echos
4. Warface - Silent Crimes
5. Crypsis - Torture (Frequencerz Remix)
6. Radical & D-Sturb - Kill Me
7. Warface - Fake Ass Bitches
8. Warface - FTP (E-Force Remix)
9. Killshot - Beastmode
10. E-Force & Radical Redemption - Screw Up
11. Rebelion & Warface & E-Force - One
12. Delete - Munkey Shit
13. Killshot - Whos The Boss
14. Warface - Beyond Agression (Rebelion Remix)
15. Deadly Guns - ID
Rocko [Set Editor] -
Soundcloud is down. Any other portal?
JurneSleddens [Set Editor] -
On 19-04-2017 15:33:48, Rocko wrote:

Soundcloud is down. Any other portal?

Added Mixcloud:
Seizure -
Early Hardstyle/Core/Trance
I was waiting for this: Warface - Silent Crimes  :thumbsup2: