Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

OGM909 @ Dominator Festival 2017 - Maze of Martyr | DJ Contest Mix


Toegevoegd door: tchnpgn @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Lengte: 00:32:27
Gestemd door: The_Sociopath DopeyMHL

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. OGM909 & Unexist - Beat Drop - Industrial Strength
2. OGM909 & A-Kriv - Sound Of The Drum - Unexist Audio
3. OGM909 & Unexist - Y.O.D.O. - Industrial Strength
4. Fail2Comply - Base Jump - Industrial Strength
5. OGM909 - Plutonium - Footworxx
6. OGM909 - Fuckin Die - Brutale
7. OGM909 & Unexist - Why The Fuck Not - Unexist Audio
8. OGM909 - Fuckinbitch (Bartsch Remix) - Avanti Records
9. OGM909 - Me Against The World - Sadistik Noize Asylum
10. OGM909 & DJ Sirio - Beat My Drum - Audiogenic/Neurotoxic
11. OGM909 & DJ Sirio - Execution Fashion - Audiogenic/Neurotoxic
12. OGM909 - King Of Fire - Brutale
13. Fail2Comply - Bullet In My Teeth - Unexist Audio
14. OGM909 - Blow Your Mind - Brutale
15. OGM909 - 666 - Dead Kitty Records
16. OGM909 & Unexist - Beat Drop - Industrial Strength
17. OGM909 & A-Kriv - Sound Of The Drum - Unexist Audio
18. OGM909 & Unexist - Y.O.D.O. - Industrial Strength
19. Fail2Comply - Base Jump - Industrial Strength
20. OGM909 - Plutonium - Footworxx
21. OGM909 - Fuckin Die - Brutale
22. OGM909 & Unexist - Why The Fuck Not - Unexist Audio
23. OGM909 - Fuckinbitch (Bartsch Remix) - Avanti Records
24. OGM909 - Me Against The World - Sadistik Noize Asylum
25. OGM909 & DJ Sirio - Beat My Drum - Audiogenic/Neurotoxic
26. OGM909 & DJ Sirio - Execution Fashion - Audiogenic/Neurotoxic
27. OGM909 - King Of Fire - Brutale
28. Fail2Comply - Bullet In My Teeth - Unexist Audio
29. OGM909 - Blow Your Mind - Brutale
30. OGM909 - 666 - Dead Kitty Records