Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Jim DJ @ Rob's Birthday Bash

Hardstyle   Hardtrance

Toegevoegd door: jimdj @
Laatst gewijzigd door: TimTim @

Gestemd door: Bartjuh

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. The Raiders - Miss Kidman On A Cruise (Eyes Wide Mix)
2. DJ Slideout - Bloody Pimp
3. DJ Overdog - Ready (DJ Slideout Remix - Clubbed To Death Edit)
4. Geck-e - Soul Train
5. The KGBs- Channel KGB (TNT Remix)
6. Zappaman - Sexual Healing (Back In The Days Mix)
7. Coca & Die Antwoord - Extreme Voice (Geck-o Mashup)
8. Josh & Wesz - Alexez
9. Scope DJ - Lockdown
10. Headhunterz - Rock Civilization
11. Tatarola - Who Is Calling? (Zenith DJ Edit)
12. Geck-o - 2-1 (Jack Van Gelder Remix)
13. Frontliner - Sunblast
14. Hyperdrive - The Punishment
15. Alphaverb - The Otherside (Extended Album Mix)
16. A-Lusion - Drummer Beat (Qlimax 2009 Choir Mix)
17. Zany - Thugs (Noisecontrollers Remix)
18. Dark Oscillators - Trapped (Solaio Mix)