Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Insane S @ Underground Industry Show 3


Toegevoegd door: JeffreyFCT @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Lengte: 00:37:36

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Podcast diffusé chaque fin de mois sur le soundcloud de Underground Industry.
Tous les mois des invités internationaux, français et bien évidemment des artistes de Underground Industry.

Underground Industry:
Underground Industry Show:

Insane S - Megarave / Footworxx / Partyraiser recordings

Sacha aka Insane S , Italian hardcore Dj/Producer from Florence (Italy) His musical career begins in 2011 , year of entry in the Gabberitalia staff. He started his career as producer and in 2016 has the ?rst satisfaction with the relase on Footworxx Records of “Take to the ?oor “ in collab with Miss Enemy , ended 2° on top 100’s ranking of Hardtunes . In the same year he release “ Never go die “First solo track , “Time to die “ with Wakizashi . In 2016 , He play for ?rst time on big event in Belgium Footworxx party and at Army of Hardcore in Germany . In 2017 , he joined in Footworxx Bookings and in January 2017 Release 3 Tracks “Act a Fool , We Don’t Care (with Spitnoise ) and No cash No Bitch (with LukiiLukee and Brainteaser) on Big Label... Partyraiser Recordings. March 2017 release the ?rst your Ep “Insane Hardcore “ on Footworxx rec. , it contain collab. with Hardbouncer , Brainteaser and Mc Braincase . His productions are supported by important artist like ; Partyraiser , F.noize , Sandy Warez , Deterrent Man , Chaotic Hostility , Angernoizer , Miss Enemy , System Overload ,Hardbouncer and many more. In the same year, he plays at some of the most important Festivals as: Harmony of Hardcore Festival Tomorrowland
Footworxx F.noize solo

Insane S -

Footworxx Bookings

Gestemd door: JeffreyFCT

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Jappo & Lancinhouse - Exlxaxl (Crime Scene Remix)
2. F. Noize vs Anhatema - Get Down (F. Noize Solo Anthem)
3. Chaotic Hostility - Fuck Up Everything (Wakizashi Remix)
4. The Stunned Guys & Paul Elstak - Thrillseeka (Streiks & Kratchs Bootleg)
5. Mind Compressor & Blaster - Fucking Jump
6. Insane S - Bone Breaker
7. Pyrut - Eins Zwei Polizei (Brainteaser Mashup)
8. Partyraiser vs F. Noize - Superman/La Bomba (System Overload Mash Up)
9. The Satan - Fake Spirit
10. Spitnoise & Brainteaser - 700 Watt
11. Rude Awakening vs I:Gor - Crop Circle Making Dominant Heavyweight Whore Abuser (Hatred Mashup)
12. Insane S & Sandy Warez - F#ck You Like A Pig
13. Mind Compressor - Kick The Bass
14. Insane S & Miss Enemy - Bring It Back
15. Hardbouncer - Bounce Line Link
16. Insane S - Lick My Dick
17. Chaotic Hostility - Bloody Face