Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Kristof Ermens @ TTM Yearmix 2017

Industrial Hardcore   Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: JurneSleddens @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:01:40

Meer info
► Follow The Third Movement

Gestemd door: DJTheJoker Hansolo alexvdh

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Wavolizer & The Outside Agency - The Antagonist
2. Dither - Hammer Jammer
3. Promo - Authentic
4. Promo - Lord of Undow
5. Dither - This Is Chaos
6. Promo - A New Dawn
7. Promo - The Lion's Roar
8. Nonexistent - Haunted
9. Wavolizer & Miss Hysteria - Fixed
10. Penta - Filthy Fakkin Bass
11. Penta - The Failure
12. Promo & Ophidian ft. Myrean - Born To Break
13. Sei2ure - Suck My Dick
14. The Clamps - In The Depths (No One Can Hear You Scream)
15. Dither - The Big Bang
16. Promo - Celebrate The Kick
17. Dither & Igneon System - Murder Shit
18. Rude Awakening - Crop Circle Making Dominating Whore Abuser
19. The Satan - Beast
20. DJIPE - No God
21. D-Passion - Shock the Hardcore (Hardshock Festival 2017 Anthem)
22. The DJ Producer - Rhythm's a Drug
23. DJIPE - Emotionless On Request
24. Penta - Bassdrop
25. N-Vitral presents BOMBSQUAD - Don't Fuck With the Squad
26. The Outside Agency - Locker Room Talk
27. N-Vitral & Igneon System - Jump the F@#* Up (Innominate Remix)
28. I:Gor - Icebreaker (Innominate Remix)
29. N-Vitral presents BOMBSQUAD - Kapotmaaien
30. The Outside Agency - Pass The Buck

DJTheJoker -
I dont care what People say
Artist is Kristof Ermens, like every year  ;)