Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

RagnaRok @ Dominator 2017 Place Of Plunder

Industrial Hardcore   Crossbreed

Toegevoegd door: JurneSleddens @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:02:53
Gestemd door: McBong MattiX

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Ragnarok & Sacerdos Vigilia - Kvelertak
2. [KRTM] - Chaser/Monkey with Shotgun
3. eDUB - Industrial Meat
4. Human Resource - Dominator (25 Years Of Domination Remix By Embrionyc)
5. Tymon - Subwoofer
6. Tymon - Fade to Black
7. Ragnarok & Demanufacturer - Forlorn
8. Counterfeit - Scene Destroyers
9. Dither - Haka
10. Tymon - Crunch Time
11. Tymon - Nose Job
12. Bodyshock & Bloodcage - Pusher
13. Bodyshock & Negative A - System Corrupt
14. Promo - Eternally Dark (I:Gor Remix)
15. I:Gor - Zero Fucks Given
16. Ragnarok & Dr. Mathlovsky - Hard Rain
17. Angel - Industrial Base (Ophidian Remix)
18. Bloodcage - Skitz
19. Ragnarok - Gangsta Shit
20. I:Gor - Straight Outta Kielce
21. I:gor - Gimme Some More
22. The Satan - Meat
23. Razor Edge - Death Row
24. Bodyshock - Search & Destroy (Luxxer Remix)
25. KRTM - Guy On A Rope Laughing Out Loud (New School Mix)
26. Ophidian - Running On Empty