Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Unfamous @ May Hardcore Be With U Mix


Toegevoegd door: JeffreyFCT @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Lengte: 00:51:44

Meer info
Here is my new mixset including 2 of my new tracks.
Playlist will follow soon ...

Gestemd door: Holland93

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. The Unfamous - Get Your Heart Attack
2. The Viper & Neophyte - Coming Home (Never Surrender Remix)
3. The Unfamous & MC Mike Redman - Hated To Hero
4. Korsakoff & Never Surrender ft. Alee - Salvation
5. D-Fence & Deadly Guns - Wall Of Bass
6. Tha Playah & Never Surrender & MC Jeff - Gunshow
7. Deadly Guns & Remzcore - Fckd-Up Nation
8. Hardbouncer ft. Da Mouth Of Madness - Bounce Back
9. The Unfamous - Bring That Beat Back
10. Darkcontroller & Hardbouncer - Riders On The Storm
11. The Unfamous - Big Guns
12. Underground Vandalz - Nothing is What it Seems
13. Radiate & Psyco - De Harde Bass
14. DJ Paul Elstak & The Unfamous - Mr. Policeman (Fucked Up By Paul & The Unfamous Bootleg)
15. Tharoza ft. Ysiss - Cleaning My Kicks
16. Angerfist & Akira - Krash The Party
17. Hardbouncer ft. MC Stuiterbal - Stuiteren

Holland93 -
01 - The Unfamous - Get Your HeartAttack
02 -
03 - The Unfamous & Mc Mike Redman - Hated to Hero
04 - Korsakoff & Never Surrender Ft Alee - Salvation
05 - D-fence & Deadly Guns - Wall of bass
06 - Tha Playah & Never Surrender ft MC Jeff - Gunshow
07 - Deadly Guns & Remzcore - Fckd up nation
08 - Hardbouncer ft Da Mouth Of Madness - Bounce Back
09 -
10 - Darkcontroller & Hardbouncer - Riders On The Storm
11 -
12 - Underground Vandalz - Nothing Is What It Seems
13 - Radiate & Psyco - De Harde Bass
14 - Dj Paul Elstak & The Unfamous - Mr Policeman Refix
15 - Tharoza Ft Ysiss - Cleaning My Kicks
16 - Angerfist & Akira - Krash the party
17 - Hardbouncer ft Mc Stuiterbal - Stuiteren
Gewijzigd door Holland93 op 02-05-2018 18:21