Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Kit Curse @ Ronin Ordinance Artist Mix 003

Drum & Bass

Toegevoegd door: Dronevil @

Lengte: 01:08:19

Meer info
#003 is bought to you by one of our favourite producers...Kit Curse

Felix has been real busy since he dropped his Temporary EP with us back in August including releases on Onset Audio, Mem:Bran and some forthcoming heat on our brothers over at Conspired Within Music Artist Collective LP dropping in February. His event Breakitdown based in Munich has just celebrated their 6th birthday hosting the grim reaper himself (Loxy) if you're in Europe or Germany please go check them out

this mix you can expect the usual dark deep and gritty flavours from one of Germanys best exports


SC - @kit-curse
FB -


SC - @breakitdowndnb
FB -

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Kryptic Minds & Leon Switch - Hide The Tears (Loxy & Resound Remix)
2. I Wannabe - Dark Matter Being
3. Bereneces - Mist
4. Pessimist - Balaklava
5. Paragon - Bottom Feeder (Medika Remix)
6. Displaced Paranormals & King From Tekken - Delta
7. Alix Perez - Self Control
8. Last Life - Plumb Line
9. Shiken Hanzo - Odoshi
10. Homemade Weapons - Eyesore
11. Dreadmaul & Bereneces - Aakhu
12. Arks - Digital
13. Human Nature - Origins
14. Pessimist - The Woods
15. Ruffhouse - UVB-76
16. Last Life - Temptation
17. Parasite & Kit Curse - Shades
18. Ruffhouse - Demand
19. Homemade Weapons - Tylos
20. Human Nature - Visions
21. Akinsa - The Descent (Kit Curse Repaint)
22. Epilleptech - Honne
23. Conspired Within - Emperor's March
24. Neurosplit - Late Night Aesthetics
25. Displaced Paranormals - G1yphic
26. I Wannabe - Bad Radio Transmitter