Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Stormtrooper @ Trepanation

Hardcore   Hardtek

Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: McBong @

Lengte: 00:56:45

Meer info
Sofia, Bulgaria

Gestemd door: McBong TimTim alexvdh WollfAlfons The_Sociopath Romolus

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. ID (ID (Stormtrooper?))
2. Al Twisted, JFX & Joey Riot - Twisted FreQs
3. Stormtrooper ft. Cathy B - Exhale Fantasy
4. Stormtrooper - Beautiful Music
5. N3AR - Firebomb
6. ID (ID - ID)
7. ID (ID - ID)
8. Tripped & Detest - Hardcore To The Penis
9. Igneon System - Headknocker
10. Stormtrooper - Nasty Kicks
11. Tugie - Who's Afraid Of The Dark
12. Stormtrooper ft. Cathy B - See the World
13. The Speed Freak - Fuk Dem Haterz
14. The Speed Freak - Abschiss (Original)
15. DJ Mutante - And By The Way .​.​. Hot Dog Day !
16. Chryzis - Jungle Fever

McBong [Set Editor] -
I started with a TL, but after track 13 I'm out, no idea which or even how many gabberdisco tracks there are, they all seem like way too many samples thrown into to me, i can't really differentiate between the single tracks
alexvdh -
need for koek : underground

2. Al Twisted, JFX & Joey Riot - Twisted FreQs
exhale fantasy is the third track of the mix
14.The Speed Freak - Fuk Dem Haterz
15. Stormtrooper - Just Use A Freakin´ Jeannie
16. DJ Mutante - And By The Way .​.​. Hot Dog Day !
17. The Speed Freak - Abschiss (Original)
18. Chryzis - Jungle Fever
Gewijzigd door alexvdh op 10-06-2018 09:51
McBong [Set Editor] -
Thanks for the help, really not my strong genre  :thumbsup:
alexvdh -
need for koek : underground
tl re-edited btw
Gewijzigd door alexvdh op 10-06-2018 09:52