Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Kurwastyle Project @ Toxic Sickness Radio

Terror   Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: JurneSleddens @

Lengte: 00:43:04
Gestemd door: Hansolo Weerzinwekkend xeLL Spevil

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Bass Instinct - MTTD (March To The Drums)
2. Para Italia - Me Against The World
3. Gioni - Trigger (MBK Bootleg)
4. Anhatema & Toxic Inside - Warfare
5. Re-Fuzz - Drop Bombs
6. Chaotic Hostility - Blue
7. Kurwastyle Project - Broken
8. Kurwastyle Project ft. Cryogenic - Mindcontroller
9. Kurwastyle Project ft. TerrorClown - Do You Wanna A Balloon? (Darkcontroller Remix)
10. Kurwastyle Project ft. Suicide Rage - Terror From The Outside World
11. Kurwastyle Project & Hatred - Exile
12. Suicide Rage - Gilbert Le Puissant
13. Kurwastyle Project - Zombie Apocalypse Paradise
14. Mr. Madness - Madcore Lesson (Kurwastyle Project Remix)
15. Fiend - Self Destruct
16. The Vizitor - Fuck You

gero -
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