Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Rave @ Fatality warm up mix July 2018

Hardcore   Hardstyle

Toegevoegd door: D-Rave @

Lengte: 00:41:40

Meer info

1. Rebelion Ft. Sovereign King – Bleed Insanity
2. D-Sturb & Malice – Drop em Down
3. The Qonvicted – Insanity (2018 tool)
4. Insidiouz – Warchief (2018 edit)
5. Sacha F - New Reality
6. Exproz – Gun, Smoke & Death
7. Psychopatics – Dark Church
8. The Purge – What’s that Sound
9. Delete & Chris One – W4RR1IOR
10. Fraw – Get out of my Car
11. Warface & Deadly Guns – From the South
12. Igor – Loaded & Cocked
13. Sefa – Help Me

(i do not own any of these tracks! all right goes to all the producers and labels that are involved in this mix!)