Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Arvee @ Real Hardstyle Radio


Toegevoegd door: DJArvee @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:59:05
Gestemd door: Canyonree djdarkknight Duruz Irys djblacksun Jatoch hardstyleaddict Furby_the_dance


01. Plasmaravers - Bust A Move
02. Crypsis - Tuatara
03. The Pitcher - Serenity
04. Headhunterz - Scrap Attack
05. DJ Phil Ty - A Kay A (DJ Arvee's Straight, Ehm Mix)
06. Noisecontrollers - Ctrl. Alt. Del.
07. Zatox & Activator - Oxygen
08. Headhunterz - Fear Of Darkness
09. Noisecontrollers - Yellow Minute
10. Williams Syndrome - Emotion
11. The R3bels & Zatox - Choir
12. Zatox - Still Drunk
13. The Prophet - Cocaine Biznizz (TBY Remix)
14. Dutch Master - Motion

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
13. The Prophet - Cocaine Biznizz (TBY Remix)  :L
Canyonree -
On 26-06-2009 13:53:40, Pithune wrote:

13. The Prophet - Cocaine Biznizz (TBY Remix)  :L

Mjah dat is ook wel het enige verassende aan de treklijst.
fen0m -
08. Headhunterz - Fear Of Darkness  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:
Flugeltje -
Wo ist mein Fahrrad?
12. Zatox - Still Drunk12. Zatox - Still Drunk  :star:

WTF is er zo goed aan dat nummer??? Alcoholic party gehalte man  :X.

Neem die andere kant van de vinyl, freedom. Die knalt tenminste.
Jipdenk -
Only when I'm drunk I sing a song like this.
Flugeltje -
Wo ist mein Fahrrad?
On 26-06-2009 14:20:08, Jipdenk wrote:

Only when I'm drunk I sing a song like this.

Zo slecht is dat nummer dus  >.<
Duruz -
05. DJ Phil Ty - A Kay A (DJ Arvee's Straight, Ehm Mix)

ik was eerder  :p
Irys -
01. Plasmaravers - Bust A Move
03. The Pitcher - Serenity
05. DJ Phil Ty - A Kay A (DJ Arvee's Straight, Ehm Mix)
06. Noisecontrollers - Ctrl. Alt. Del.
08. Headhunterz - Fear Of Darkness
10. Williams Syndrome - Emotion
djblacksun -
Fake Shit
Fuck U I wont do what U tell me!
01. Plasmaravers - Bust A Move  :thumbsup:
02. Crypsis - Tuatara  :thumbsup2:
03. The Pitcher - Serenity  :thumbsup2:
04. Headhunterz - Scrap Attack  :thumbsup:
05. DJ Phil Ty - A Kay A (DJ Arvee's Straight, Ehm Mix)  :thumbsup:
06. Noisecontrollers - Ctrl. Alt. Del.  :X
07. Zatox & Activator - Oxygen  :thumbsup:
08. Headhunterz - Fear Of Darkness  :thumbsup:
09. Noisecontrollers - Yellow Minute  :thumbsup2:
10. Williams Syndrome - Emotion  :thumbsup:
11. The R3bels & Zatox - Choir  :thumbsup2:
12. Zatox - Still Drunk  :thumbsup:
13. The Prophet - Cocaine Biznizz (TBY Remix)  :X
14. Dutch Master - Motion  :X
Abrikozenjam -
Iedereen is gek (behalve ik)!
On 26-06-2009 14:19:11, Flugeltje wrote:

12. Zatox - Still Drunk12. Zatox - Still Drunk  :star:

WTF is er zo goed aan dat nummer??? Alcoholic party gehalte man  :X.

Neem die andere kant van de vinyl, freedom. Die knalt tenminste.

Get Drunk vind ik anders wel echt top!  :worship:
Vinner -
Music Is My Weapon
On 26-06-2009 13:53:40, Pithune wrote:

13. The Prophet - Cocaine Biznizz (TBY Remix)  :L

The prophet - Cocaine bizznizz  :L