Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tharoza @ Eargasm Mixtape 1.0


Toegevoegd door: JeffreyFCT @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Lengte: 00:39:04

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Gestemd door: -michaelhughes

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1. Access One - Jiiieehaaaa x BAM (Mash-Up)
2. ID (ID)
3. Al Twisted - Chaos Evolves (Soldiers Of Core Remix)
4. Tharoza & The Sequel - Dropping Bass
5. Hard Effectz - Fuck Up The Speakers Mashup
6. Mental Penetration & The Victim - More Views
7. Vandal!sm & EddyHardcore - 4 The Haterz (Hard Effectz & EddyHardcore 2018 Refix)
8. Tharoza - Borderline
9. Spitnoise - Mad Man
10. Barber - Mash Fck 1.0
11. Tharoza - Chicken Stuffing (Kick Edit)
12. Soldiers Of Core - W.T.F.U
13. Tharoza & Sprinky - Upfrenchpo
14. Vandal!sm - A Way Of Life
15. Wars Industry & Chaotic Hostility - On The Line (FrenchFaces Remix)
16. Tharoza & ToXic Inside - G-Spot
17. Tharoza - Black Thoughts (ToXic Inside Remix)