Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Darkustic @ Hard Edits Podcast 30


Toegevoegd door: JurneSleddens @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JurneSleddens @

Lengte: 00:58:40

Meer info
HardEdits : Darkustic - Hard Edits Podcast (Episode 30) (Uptempo)

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Bekijk als platte tekst


1. The Satan - Moshpit
2. Angernoizer & D-Fence - It Giet Oan
3. Insanity & Sandy Warez - Suicidal
4. Streiks & Kratches x HardEffectz - Not Stoepangers
5. F. Noize & Insane S - Don't [Do Drugs]
6. Angernoizer & Caine - Nightmare
7. Vandal!sm & EddyHardcore - 4 The Haterz (Hard Effectz & EddyHardcore 2018 Refix)
8. The Satan - Enemy
9. Angernoizer & MC Diesel - Gas
10. Insane S & Mind Compressor - Everyday I'm Hustling
11. Chaotic Hostility - Make My Day
12. Angernoizer & Angerfist - Winter is Coming
13. Cryogenic - DJ Paul Mashup
14. Insane S & The Freaky Bastard - I'm Dangerous
15. YunKe vs DRS - The Chainsaw
16. Angernoizer - Inakken Is Bijpakken
17. Insane S - Pain
18. Angernoizer & MBK - Gunfight
19. Lunkakorpz - West Coast
20. Kurwastyle Project - The Answer (Bootleg)
21. Angernoizer & Dr. Peacock - Trip To Mexico
22. Yunke - Drop This Fucking Shit
23. Crime Scene - Sembra Talco
24. ASR - So What
25. Angernoizer & Chaotic Hostility - YOLO
26. LethalKicks & TerrorTanga - Dropping Lethal Tangas
27. Angernoizer & Angerkill - Movimiento