Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

McBong [Set Editor] -
Does someone know the track around 35 min? It sounds a bit like Ybrid imo
Bedlam -
On 12-01-2019 11:43:34, McBong wrote:

Does someone know the track around 35 min? It sounds a bit like Ybrid imo

Ybrid - De Profundis Clamavi
McBong [Set Editor] -
On 12-01-2019 22:42:17, Bedlam wrote:

On 12-01-2019 11:43:34, McBong wrote:

Does someone know the track around 35 min? It sounds a bit like Ybrid imo

Ybrid - De Profundis Clamavi

Thanks a lot  :thumbsup: the cello reminded me of game of thrones partially, dont know why
A_Noisemaking_Criminal -
Deadly Sin
And the track before that one, with the 'rititieuw' sound in...
Grijzed -
Anybody knows the track at 18:40 ??
RubberenRobbie -
On 08-08-2023 11:50:46, Grijzed wrote:

Anybody knows the track at 18:40 ??

FFM Shadow Orchestra - Comprehension Of Sweet Sounds (The Man Unknown Invert Variation) [The Time Traveller – TTT-14] "2013" /
Grijzed -
thanks hero !