Shoutbox: [25-09] alexvdh: Hi, looking for a streaming link of 69db - beer plz

Aphex Twin @ Limelight NYC

EBM   Oldschool

Toegevoegd door: HertogJan @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:03:02

Meer info
Aphex Twin Live at Limelight NYC MID 1990s LOFIDELIC RECORDS


****Big thanks to my brother Tony Rodriguez (Brothers Vibe, LUV4WAX)for the DAT player loan and the surgery on the DAT tape when it SNAPPED when we first tried to play it. You saved a piece of early TECHNO history!****

Thanks for all the comments everyone! If I was wrong on the date, I apologize, I honestly didn't think I was still going to the Limelight after 1993 and thats why I dated it earlier.

Yes the sound quality isn't the best but like I said I snuck in a Sony portable DAT recorder and recorded it straight from the crowd from the floor level right below the DJ booth.
While I was outside on line, the security guard frisked me at the door and was like "what the hell is that? You can't bring that in here!" I told him its just a walkman and he let me go in with it. I'm lucky to even have this bad recording to be honest.
While we were waiting for his set, Richard James walked by me and this kid I was with and the kid stopped him and asked "hey my friend snuck in a DAT recorder, can we record right from your mixer??? RDJ just laughed in his face, said NO! and walked away. Haha.

Thanks for the track IDs, that was very helpful!
Back in the early 1990s when techno was just starting to explode in NYC, I snuck a portable DAT recorder into the Limelight nightclub when Richard James, The Aphex Twin was DJing a very rare live set. I recorded his entire 1hr set from the crowd and then put the DAT away for 25+ years. The other day with the help of my friend Tony Rodriquez (LUV4WAX)and his DAT machine, we finally made a digital copy of the set and finally uploaded it for all to hear. As far as I can remember, RDJ did only 2 live performances (one performance blew out the power to the entire club and left the place pitch black and silent for a few minutes!) and 1 DJ set at the Limelight during that time. I have never heard a live set from RDJ from the Limelight so this might be the only recording of this set (please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks!) The recording is loud and noisy just like 90s techno but I think its clear enough to enjoy. If you can ID any tracks to create a track list, feel free to post it in the comments!

Enjoy -
Lofidelic Records