Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Speedsick Lunatic @ Project Speedcore Dungeon IV - 1 Year PSD

Speedcore   Splittercore

Toegevoegd door: Leback @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Leback @

Lengte: 01:10:15
Gestemd door: Darksound

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. KlereHerrieKrew - Project Speedcore Dungeon
2. Lord Of Speed - Bus Lijn 3
3. Lord Of Speed - Lekker Onstspannen Voor Een Meijer
4. Gabberdoom - Gonna Go Hard
5. Eater Of Sheep - Breathe
6. Cornhole Crucifixion - Lets Fucking Go Bow And Fuck Like Nasty Pigs
7. 7icHO - Paris HILL Tone
8. 7icHO - Whats In The Closet (Extratoned CHILDhood 2)
9. Distorted Maniac - Army Of Extratone
10. Satanoid - Monotone
11. Si.rAk-Sa - Decompressing-Stimulation
12. Si.rAk-Sa - ...The-Ways
13. Eater Of Sheep - Nightmare
14. Death To Your Eardrums - Psytones
15. The Mother Fucker - Do You Want Some Extratone?
16. Coakira - Kalashinikova
17. Lord Of Speed - Banaan
18. Lord Of Speed - Iedereen Is Anders
19. 7icHO - Manufactured in The TONE Spirit
20. Gabberdoom - Self Destruct Zone 2018
21. Pressterror - Project Speedcore Dungeon Anthem
22. Psyclown - Fuck Religion (Pressterror Drrrrrrremix)
23. 7icHO - The Battle With A Space Beetle
24. Gabberdoom - Frantic Mind
25. DJ Fleischfuck - Neuropathic Neglilence
26. Lysergide - Gloryhole Cunt Fuck
28. 7icHO - Smash IT4U Baby!
29. 7icHO - Extratoned CHILDhood
30. 7icHO - Murder EXTRATONE
31. Cunt Kill Bastard - LSD Experiment
32. Cunt Kill Bastard - Harsh The Universe
33. Eater Of Sheep - Raspberrytone
34. PilzKrieger - Der Letzte Extratöner
35. PilzKrieger - Leichenschändung
36. Pilzkrieger - Ausrotten
37. PilzKrieger - Sterbende Schwämme
38. PilzKrieger - Qualvoll Verrecken
39. Ralph Brown - People Who Party In 90 Do It Better
40. Hubert Gatsby - Horrordepth (DJ Mucus Remix)
41. MG Mucus - They Get Theyr Flex Against Theyr Will
42. Extratrolls - Wat Een Kutfeest
43. Distorted Maniac ft. D.D.S.L - Friesvak Herrie