Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Bwazza , Repeller & Critical Hit @ Our Sound 10


Toegevoegd door: JurneSleddens @

Lengte: 00:42:59

Meer info
This is Our Sound, the official Overwatch Hardstyle podcast.

Gestemd door: dhrrob90
Favoriet van: dhrrob90

Bekijk als platte tekst


  Bwazza & Repeller
1. Bright Visions - The Dragon Warrior
2. Re-Vamp - Don't Stop
3. Druid - Undercover
4. Adjuzt - TBA
5. Adjuzt - TBA
  Guestmix by Critical Hit:
7. Aversion - Originate & Rise (Critical Kick Edit)
8. Calybr & Critical Hit ft. MC Retell - H.L.B (Hardstyle FM OST)
9. Critical Hit - Face Me (Calybr Remix)
10. Critical Hit - Apple Of Eden
11. Critical Hit - The Requiem (Overwatch LIVE Edit)
12. Deviouz - Dark Abyss
13. Critical Hit - God Of War
14. Critical Hit - Fake It (Cryex Remix)
15. Adjuzt & Critical Hit & Cryex & Re-Vamp - Ascend (Official Ascend 2nd Edition Anthem)
16. Rebelion - Lockdown
17. ID (Critical Hit - ID)