Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Thumpa @ Strikt Voor De Hardcore 20 (1997 - 1999 Early Hardcore Pt 2)

Early Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:40:22
Gestemd door: dvault

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Rotterdam Terror Corps - The Music is Too Much (Hey Hey)
2. DJ Isaac - Hardcore 2000
3. Radical 2 React - Eliminating Suckers
4. Radical 2 React - Hardstreet Shit
5. The Dark Twins - Drop Da Old Skool Beat
6. Promo - Up Yours!
7. The Masochist - Planet Shock
8. The Viper & DJ Perpetrator - Push Em Up
9. DJ Isaac & The Viper - Fun-ky Beats
10. Nightstalkers - Gangstershit
11. DJ Perpretrator - The Power
12. Promo - King Of Pain
13. T-wisted - Underworld
14. Tommyknocker & MC Lob - The Realm
15. Bass-D & King Matthew - The Power Of Bass
16. Rotterdam Terror Corps ft. The Masochist - Torture
17. DJ Paul & Teenage Warning - If Da Kidz Are United (DJ Isaac Remix)
18. Mister DJ - Nhema Gayakaya
19. Promo - Dancefloor Hardcore
20. Darrien Kelly & DJ Attic & Stylzz - Beaten Like A Bitch
21. DJ E-Rush - Fuck You Man (Army Of Darkness Remix)
22. Tommyknocker & MC Lob - Full of shit
23. Partyraiser & Distroyer - Kick Da Ballistic
24. Darrien Kelly & The Unknown MC - The People Want More
25. Neophyte & The Stunned Guys - The Music Is Rising
26. DJ Waxweazle - Hardcore Power '97 (Promo Remix)
27. The Masochist & Neophyte - The Tunnel
28. DJ Lars & DJ Panic - Weak Motherfucker
29. Men At Rave - Rave Injection
30. Exodus - Bust Da Beat
31. Scott Brown - End of Dawn
32. The Headbanger - The Nightmare Man
33. Rotterdam Terror Corps - God Is A Gabber